People who are involved in dealing with building materials that contain asbestos must be trained according to U.S. EPA requirements found in the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). The Business and Professions Code in California requires the same type of training as part of the process for becoming a certified asbestos consultant. Five separate "disciplines"; are defined in connection with this asbestos training: Worker, contractor/supervisor, building inspector, management planner, and project designer. To stay current in any of these disciplines, an individual must follow the initial course with annual refresher training. The content and duration for each course are specified in the AHERA model accreditation plan (MAP).
Also according to AHERA requirements, training providers who conduct the training must be approved. Title 8 CCR section 341.16, "Approval of Asbestos Training and Course Providers for Training Requirements Relating to Asbestos-Related Work and AHERA", is the regulation which establishes the asbestos training course approval process in California. It is based on the EPA MAP, and is administered by the Asbestos Consultant and Trainer Approval Unit in the Division of Occupational Safety and Health.
According to the regulation, any training course provider who offers this training in California must submit an application to the division; even trainers approved elsewhere must have division approval to teach in California. Course providers must show that their instructors meet experience requirements; they must provide a course outline, copies of training materials, and a list of equipment available for use in hands-on instruction. In addition, they must keep the division informed of dates, times, and locations for each course offering. Examinations are required for the initial courses in each discipline. Every successful trainee must be issued a certificate showing the expiration date and the course approval number issued to the course provider by the division.
Trainers may seek approval in any or all of the disciplines, for both initial and refresher courses. A separate application must be submitted for each course. The division approves courses taught in Spanish as well as English. The division must inform an applicant within fifteen working days whether or not a submitted application is complete, and within 60 working days whether or not a course is approved once the application is determined to be complete. For a current list of California approved training providers, see Approved Asbestos Trainers and Courses.
The regulation also requires that trainers provide a list of successful trainees to the Division after each course. This information is used to maintain a roster of individuals who have received a certificate in any of the asbestos disciplines from an approved trainer.
Training approval is also available from the division for asbestos cement (AC) pipe courses. The regulatory requirements on how to apply for AC pipe trainer approval are found in Title 8 CCR section 341.17.
Finally, approved trainers must permit the division to attend any course covered by the regulation for the purpose of auditing against requirements of the regulation.
For more information or to obtain applications, contact the Asbestos Consultant and Trainer Approval Unit at (916) 574-2993 or by email at