Certification Renewal Process

Complete details on the requirements and process for AEE certification renewals.

Ready to Renew Your Certification?

Certification Renewal Credit Requirements have been updated as of January 1, 2024. Please see changes in red below.


Each certified professional is required to obtain Continuing Education Units (CEU) or Professional Development Hours (PDH) each renewal period. A total of 10 renewal credits are required. AEE does not maintain a record of your continuing education in the interim. You must maintain record of continuing education and complete a recertification form at the time of your renewal. You will reach your recertification date on the fourth January 1st or July 1st following the date of certification. Professional credits for recertification should be accumulated during the three-year renewal period for each renewal cycle. The seminar taken to acquire your certification does not apply towards your renewal credits. *All certification renewals are subject to 30-day renewal processing.

AEE CEU Infographic (Landscape)-3

Activities Applicable as Credits for Certification Renewal

Continued employment in energy management/energy engineering