The following policies are reflective of the general terms and conditions of employment, benefits, salary administration and services available to staff holding exempt positions (not including faculty) and staff holding nonexempt positions who are not covered by collective bargaining agreements at Brown University.
Accounting Faculty, Staff, StudentsThe purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on establishing, maintaining and accounting for Academic Service Centers in accordance with Brown University policy and federal regulations. The intended audience is faculty, students and staff at Brown University involved in the operation of an academic service center. While users are primarily the research community, it is not uncommon for service centers to provide services for instructional purposes as well.
General - IT University All, Visitors & Applicants, General Public, OtherThis Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy (Policy) establishes requirements for the use and management of Brown University’s Information Technology Resources to ensure their Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability supports Brown’s educational, research, outreach, and administrative objectives.
Communications, Events & Guests University All, Visitors & ApplicantsBrown University encourages members of the news media to share news about our community of teaching, research, scholarship and innovative education. Both in principle and as a matter of legal responsibility, we respect the privacy of students, faculty and staff.
Accounts Payable Faculty, Staff, StudentsThe purpose of this policy is to establish the requirements for the use of alcoholic beverages in the conduct of University business.
Accounts Payable Faculty, StaffThe purpose of this policy is to establish requirements for the appropriate stewardship of University funds in support of work performed at Alternative Worksite Locations.
Employment Staff, Students, FacultyBrown’s Alternative Work Assignments (AWAs) offer innovative approaches to meeting the University’s operational needs while promoting balance between work and personal life for its staff. Depending on the needs of the department, AWAs may be a beneficial alternative to the University’s regular work schedule that allows the University to meet business needs while providing greater workplace flexibility.
Academic Employment Faculty, StaffThe purpose of this policy is to document and define the principles and policies by which Emeritus/Emerita appointments are made by the Brown Corporation to eligible members of the Faculty and Senior Administration.
Communications University All, OtherBrown University’s Name(s), Logos, Affinity Marks, Iconic Images, insignias, seals, symbols, design elements, and other marks (“Trademarks”) are uniquely associated with its distinctive brand of academic excellence and its reputation as a leading academic and research institution. These Trademarks are valuable assets of the University and are protected by trademark law. This policy establishes the requirements, principles, and associated responsibilities for protecting the integrity of the University’s Trademarks and identifying, regulating, and managing the manner in which they are used and licensed by Members of the Brown Community and others.
Information for SuppliersThis policy exists to set minimum coverage levels of specific types of insurance by University suppliers of goods and services. Suppliers, at their own cost and expense, shall obtain and maintain in force during the term of their work for Brown University, the insurance coverage listed below.
Communications University All, Visitors & Applicants, General PublicIn keeping with Brown’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, the University aims to ensure the information on its websites is available to the broadest possible audience. This policy establishes accessibility standards to ensure access to the University’s web and online content, regardless of an individual’s physical or developmental abilities. Brown endeavors to have its websites comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
Accounts Payable University AllThe purpose of this policy is to state the requirements for the reimbursement of Business Meals and Hospitality Expenses.
Faculty, Staff, Students, OtherThe purpose of this policy is to state how the Brown University Campus Collection (Campus Collection or Collection) is added to, catalogued, cared for and deaccessioned.
Capital Projects Faculty, Staff, OtherThe purpose of this policy is to document and define the principles by which Capital Projects are reviewed and approved at Brown University.
Financial Services University AllThe purpose of this policy is to establish the requirements for proper Cash and check handling by departments.
General - IT University AllThe purpose of this policy is to provide essential, business-related tools for faculty and staff in a manner that promotes the proper stewardship of assets and establishes a framework for consistent decision-making. While recognizing that properly used Cellular Communication Devices facilitate University business, the University must manage the costs and risks associated with such use.
Financial ServicesThe Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that institutions participating in the federal student loan programs develop, publish and enforce a code of conduct with respect to student loans.
Conduct & StandardsThe purpose of this policy (“the Code”) is to set the standards of Student conduct that help maintain a Campus environment where ideas are freely exchanged, Brown University (“Brown” or “the University”) property and processes are respected, and conflicts are peacefully resolved.
Communications University AllAs a higher education institution dedicated to educating its students in a residential setting, Brown University rarely permits the use of its campus or facilities for commercial filming or photography.
Only in exceptional cases will such requests be granted when it is clear that doing so will not disrupt the activities or operations of the University, and will not jeopardize the privacy of members of our campus community.
Employment University AllThe purpose of this policy is to ensure that, if Brown University (University) continues to compensate Brown University Personnel during Unexpected and Extraordinary Circumstances, it may do so regardless of source of funds. This policy ratifies the University’s practice that has been in effect since March 14, 2020.
PurchasingThe Brown University policy on competitive bids and quotes provides guidance to ensure that all procurement activity meets applicable regulatory requirements and that the University maintains a competitive sourcing environment.
PurchasingThe University’s procurement policy is intended to be consistent with the Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP), Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principals and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards Found at 2 CFR 200, and the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and other regulations governing the use of federal funds.
Purchasing, General - IT Faculty, StaffBrown University is committed to providing essential, business-related tools for faculty and staff in a manner that promotes the proper stewardship of assets and establishes a framework for consistent decision-making. While recognizing that computing equipment facilitates University business, the University must manage the costs and risks associated with its purchase and use, including device security. The purpose of this policy is to outline approved processes and methods of payment for the purchase of computers.
Conflict of Interest, Gifts & Honors University All, Faculty, Staff, Students, Visitors & Applicants, General PublicThe University is committed to the highest levels of integrity. Members of the Brown Community are expected to conduct their relationships with each other, the University, and outside organizations with honesty and in a manner that supports the University’s mission. The following establishes the policy, principles, and associated responsibilities for identifying, eliminating, minimizing, and managing actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest or commitment involving Members of the Brown Community.
Conflict of Interest, Research Integrity University AllThe purpose of Brown University’s Policy on Conflict of Interest in Research (COI Research Policy) is to maintain the integrity of Research conducted at or under the auspices of Brown University. This COI Research Policy establishes the University’s conflict of interest (COI) compliance framework for Research activities and provides information about regulatory and policy requirements related to conflict of interest in research. The COI Research Policy is compliant with applicable federal COI regulations, including 42 CFR 50 Subpart F, National Science Foundation (NSF) 2005 Conflict of Interest Policies (Chapter V – Grantee Standards), the Department of Energy (DoE) interim Conflict of Interest Policy Requirements for Financial Assistance in FAL 2022-02 (“the DoE interim COI Policy”), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Conflict of Interest policy (NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreement Manual “GCAM” section 3.3).
Intellectual Property University AllThis Policy establishes the principles, and associated rights and responsibilities on ownership of copyright in works created by Members of the Brown University Community.