Table of Contents
1. Introduction . 3
2. Description and product . 3
3. Methodology . 3
4. Module description . 4
5. Personal profile template . 4
6. Aretefact-1 planning phase . 4
7. Aretefact-2 analysis . 5
8. Aretefact-3 designing . 6
9. Aretefact-4 implementation . 6
10. Personal profile info . 7
Customer features . 7
Customer user account system . 7
Online booking . 7
View booking . 7
Changing booking . 7
Renting cost . 7
Search queries . 8
View car details . 8
Staff features . 8
Resolving customer issues . 8
Editing store details . 8
Delete accounts . 8
Inspection observation . 8
Extra features . 9
Closest store . 9
Browse by store . 9
Customizable interface . 9
Delivery schedule . 9
Sprit plan . 9
11. Designing and development of the code implementation . 11
12. Output screenshots . 12
Customer user account system . 13
Renting cost . 20
View car details . 26
Editing store details . 29
Delete accounts . 30
Extra features . 30
13. Conclusion . 34
14. Reference . 35
1. Introduction
The Main aim of this project we have developed on the booking a car too temporarily during of
used to the specific period of time intervals. The access of booking a car on the WebPages in
which help of the people to around the despite on the own personal car or own car at all. The
customer side booking system to simplify the increasing the customer side business and to all the
records to managed the staff management. The goal of this project we have used for the web
pages has been used for the system will be facilitating the functioning of a typical rental car
2. Description and product
The project that has used for the business concept the car to traverse a lot of areas ranging from
the computing field, to be able to achieve in which the required to perform the several researches
in the car rental system in which contains the web pages. A car rental system product that can
used for the is the customer that can use the particular period of time interval. The customer vies
of the points that have used for the person that has to apply some information details that are
includes are the type of car and booking dates of the car rentaling system. The booking of the
individuals renting cars once to apply the details are the worked outs, to send the valid
identification card to present the individuals customers. That the used for the staff points of view
to analysis of the overall business and becomes easy to includes the vehicles activity of the
overall information. The custom features of the business development that has used for the
quality services of the increasing efficiency of the management at offering to support software of
the web pages.
3. Methodology
The project of understanding the concept of secure and managed the all the records of the car
rental web pages. The car rental system that has used for the business process of the information
technology to enhanced access of the internet penetration of the process and communication of
the customer is booking on the car rental industry of the left out. There are used for the different
types of methodology to develop the business that are includes the Enhanced business processes,
online reservation services, customer Registration, and the group bookings that are that are apply
the all records to managed and must be secure and privacy of the database system.
4. Module description
The project of the undertaking of the module that can use for them to maintain the all the records
and database must be privacy and secure manner of the system. The phases of the module that
can be used for online booking, and custom service, staff services of the car rental system. The
car rental booking system of the modules that are includes the details of the car, available list of
the car and stored the data or record in the staff management system. The custom service that can
used for the custom service that has used for the online booking prior of the available cars and
their expected pick-up time of the specific period. The booking of the car system to use for the
administration process of the online booking reservation system. Personal profile template
The business development of the personal profile that can use for the overall process of the
project structure of the web pages. The personal profile of different type the techniques that can
be used for the phases like planning, analysis, designing, and implementation of the car rental
5. Aretefact-1 planning phase
The planning of the car rental system in these phases of the all information and data and
problems about the project was gathered by read articles, journal, and thesis form previous
research. From the information gathered, all the requirements of the system recognized. The aim
of this problem to find the car rental system database and what constraints to occur the formulate
goal of the construction analysis, and focusing process on the online car rental system
development application technology.
6. Aretefact-2 analysis
The analyzed car rental system management of the workflow, of the system process and
looked for problems occurs in the car rental systems in which follow the procedure of the data
processing. Besides the activities of the system management that is include and analyzed of the
identification, to working on the development of hardware and software requirement system and
to analyzed the overall scope of the projects, to find the schedule of activities and let us calculate
the total budgets, and viewing the car browsing details, and reservation booking system of the
car rental system.
7. Aretefact-3 designing
In this designing phases of the project to design of the requirement to used for the overall
project can be designed in the system architecture diagrams includes the context diagram, data
flow diagram, entity relationship diagram, and use case diagram, class diagram and use the
interface of the system. The mainly used for the designing of the software requirements that can
used for the programming layout of the system interface development and we are creating the
HTML and PHP of the web services on the interface system(Teng, 2014).
8. Aretefact-4 implementation
The implement of analysis that can use for the whole part of the project after implementing your
design you can use the following methods and analyzed the overview of the designing process on
the car rental system. The implementation of the car rental system that can used for the
implementing parts includes are data flow diagram, context diagram, use case diagram, entity
relationship diagram of the online rental system.
9. Personal profile info
Customer features
The car rental project used for The car rental service that can used for the user is wishing
to have a user interface that will to allows the users is used for the views the description of
model, and description of prices of the different car available. The customer to able to register
and login to the web service and tracking of the car rental system(MacTaggart, n.d.).
Customer user account system
The customer to login the details of the user page user can enter the username and
password details and clicking on the next button after going to car booking page. The user can
does not have an account user creating a own account and fill the all details of the database
Online booking
The car rental service of the online booking system is includes the user login, admin
login, browse a cars; view the car details description of the user can booking. The online booking
system to apply the all the details on the reservation form and provide complete functionality of
the listing and booking the car. The online car rental business that can managed the most of the
different application of the system (Currie, 2011).
View booking
If the user can login with your email address and proceed to the booking system. When
the user can scroll the bottom of the car details of my bookings and click on the view other
booking details to view the other booking made with your member of the email address .
Changing booking
The user can book the car on the car rental website and booking is conform to the user the
admin can send the conformation message to the user. If the user can change the booking details
customer can easily change and cancel the car system (Davidson Frame, 2014).
Renting cost
The car rental system that can provides the short time leasing cars for a specified time
with a fee to their customers. The car rental service is increasingly becomes the preferred option